AL24F MP 24GHz Link FODU 2xFETH 165Mbit/s

SKU: 9012303024601 Categories: , ,


AL24F MP 24GHz – Link FODU 2xFETH 165Mbit/s ACM ‘ è il link 24GHz di Alcoma facile da installare e dai costi contenuti adatto a realizzare collegamenti ultimo miglio e dorsali ad alta capacità

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AL24F MP 24GHz – Alcoma

e’ il ponte radio di Alcoma compatto, facile da installare e dai costi contenuti adatto a realizzare collegamenti ultimo miglio e dorsali ad alta capacità. Puo’ essere impiegato nell’interconnessione di PBXs, di LANs presenti in diverse sedi distaccate, MANs e WANs.

Technical specificatons Link Alcoma 24ghz

  • Frequency bands 24 GHz
  • License free
  • Transmission capacity up to 384 Mbps
  • 2 Fast Ethernet Ports
  • SFP slot for optic fiber or E1
  • Full Outdoor link
  • Full overvoltage protection
  • Modulation type QPSK to 256 QAM
  • Software configurable
  • Adaptive coding & modulation (ACM)
  • Forward error correction (FEC)
  • Automatic TX power control (ATPC)
  • Network management system (NMS) with SQL database
  • IP-STACK with SNMP protocol
  • Antennas 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 m


Operating Frequency Range (GHz): 24.0–24.25

TX / RX Spacing (MHz): –

Channel Spacing (MHz): 7 / 14 / 28 / 40 / 56

Capacity (Mbps): up to 384

Modulation: QPSK / 16 / 32 / 64 / 128 / 256 QAM

Frequency Stability: < 10 ppm

Forward Error Correction (FEC): Trellis Coded Modulation with Concatenated Reed-Solomon error correction

System Configurations: 1+0, 2+0


TX Power max. @256QAM (dBm): SRD 20 EIRP (5 dBm max.)

Automatic Transmit Power Control: ATPC

Adaptive coding & modulation: ACM


2× 100Base-TX / 2× 1000Base-T, connector RJ-45 VLAN packets up to 10,240 bytes

Auto Negotiation, or manual setting 1000 / 100 / 10 Full / Half Duplex, Flow Control, Auto MDIX, Master / Slave

Option: fiber optic 1000Base-SX or 1000Base-LX


Diagnostic channel with Ethernet / RS-232 interface

Proprietary Network Management System ASD

SNMP protocol ver. 1


0.3 m gain (dB): 35

0.6 m gain (dB): 40

0.9 m gain (dB): 43

1.2 m gain (dB): 45

Class: RPE Class 2 or Class 3

Polarization: dual polarized

Power supply:

=48 V: +36 to +72 V

Power consumption: 25 W

ODU: S-STP Cat.7 cable up to 100 m length, or fiber optic cable


ODU:  –33 to +55 °C

Protected Terminal Box: –5 to +55 °C

Dimensions and Weight:

Width × Height × Depth: 25.5 × 30.1 × 13.3 cm

Weight: 5,1 kg

Additional information

Weight 8.0000 kg

24 Ghz

